Monday, March 10, 2025
IELTS SpeakingIELTS Speaking Part 1

(Top 50) IELTS Speaking Part-1 Questions and Answers

In this post, you’ll find the latest IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions and answers (top 50) pdf.

The IELTS Speaking test consists of three different parts (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) and the examiner will use a script to ask questions. That’s why all Speaking tests happening anywhere in the world follow a similar pattern.

The topics for top 50 IELTS Speaking Part-1 questions and answers are listed below:

  1. General topics
  2. Work or Job
  3. Study
  4. Home
  5. Hometown
  6. New Year
  7. Feeling Happy
  8. Hobby
  9. Voice
  10. Language

1. General Topics

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 most common questions with answers:

Q1. May I know your full name please?

My full name is Jennifer Lawrence.

Q2. How may I address you?

Please call me Jennifer.

Q3. May I see your ID?

Yes of course, Here you are….. [open the first page of your passport and present it to the examiner]

Q4. Where do you come from?

I recently immigrated to Ottawa and It’s a wonderful place to live.

2. Work or Job

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Work or Job related questions with answers:

Q5. What type of work/job you do?

I am working as an immigration legal expert at XYZ Corp, Winnipeg [organization name]

Q6. Why did you choose to do that type of job?

I chose this job because I am a tech savvy person and creating virtual effects or 3D-animation is the purpose of my existence. My job serves this purpose.

Q7. Is it very interesting?

Yes, it’s quite interesting domain to work. Because you are not only helping the company to grow but also creating content for the mass entertainment, and serving people I think is GREAT!

Q8. Do you miss being a student?

Actually I miss my school days a lot. Student age was the best phase of my life.

managerhourlydoctorate degree
instructorswages or salarymaster’s degree
classmatesschedulebachelor’s degree
clientspositionadvanced degree
colleagues or co-workersassignmentsgoal
bossduties or responsibilitiesqualified
IELTS Speaking Part-1 Work or Job related vocabulary

3. Study

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Study related questions with answers:

Q9. What subject(s) are you studying?

I have completed my Engineering just recently and currently I’m studying a short-term software development course.

Q10. Why did you chose to study that subject?

Software development is an interesting subject. I opted for it because it offers a lot of opportunities to grow my career in animation to another level.

Q11. Do you like your subject? Why/Why not?

Oh Yes, definitely! I like my subject. It has a lot of growth potential as I said. Moreover, this specialised domain has helped me to solve some real world problems as well.

Q12. Is it very interesting?

one-hundred-percent !!!! It can invoke curiosity out of any tech savvy person.

Q13. Are you looking forward to working?

Obviously! I’m looking for a career preferably in Software development cum animation.

Q14. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or afternoons?

Honestly speaking, I’m not a morning person. So I prefer to study in the afternoons.

4. Home

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Home related questions with answers:

Q15. What kind of accommodation do you live in?

I live in a 3-Bedroom apartment with a small park and a beautiful balcony facing the sea.

Q16. What is your favourite room in your home?

My favourite room is my bedroom. This is because, I spend most of my time there. Moreover, I’ve decorated it to my taste.

Q17. What have you done to your room to make it look nice?

Our family pictures, my favourite guitar standing right in the corner and a small bookshelf with 300 plus titles…. all these things make my room look lively and beautiful.

Q18. Who do you live with?

Presently, I live with my parents. But I may have to leave them soon after I get my PR.

Q19. Which room does your family spend most of the time?

My family spend a larger chunk of their time in the living room. We have our meals together and watch our favourite movies on a 4K television placed in that room.

Q20. How long have you lived there?

We have been living there since my birth.

Q21. Do you plan to live there for a long time? or Are you planning to move?

No, it’s our ancestors house. So we can’t even think of selling it. But we may have to move once I get my immigration done.

Q22. What do you usually do in your room?

I record my songs, play guitar and read novels in my room. It’s a perfect place for ME time.

Q23. Are there transport facilities to your home available?

Yes indeed! there are plenty of buses and trains connecting my home to rest of the city. Therefore, it’s always easy to reach us anytime during the day.

balconyacross fromlarge or small
section or areabesidenarrow or wide
IELTS Speaking Part-1 Home related vocabulary

5. Hometown

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Hometown questions with answers:

Q24. What is the name of your hometown?

I live in ‘Central Valley Farmland’. It has everything from mountains to spacious houses and a diverse community.

Q25. Is it a big city?

Not exactly! It’s a small town with a population of 20,000 people.

Q26. Please describe your hometown a little?

The foundation of Central Valley Farmland was laid in 1885. So, its historical architecture is an eye-piece. In addition, the town has the country’s largest National park with 2000+ endangered species.

Q27. How long have you been living there?

I’ve been part of this wonderful community since my birth.

Q28. Do you like your hometown?

I just LOVE it!!! The people are nice and co-operative.. Everybody follows the rules and there are plenty of jobs to earn for a good living. What else we need !!!!

Q29. What do you like most about your hometown?

The best thing about my hometown is I believe… the proximity to nature. We can do hiking..I mean ..all day!!! The closeness to mountains has its own perks after all.

Q30. Is there anything you dislike about your hometown?

Well..It’s hard to find any bad stuff about a town you are in love with. I think sometimes strong winds do create temporary problems which cause troubles, and we all dislike.

Q31. Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?

There are number of tourist destination in Central Valley Farmland. We have National Park, a centuries old Buddhist temple and world famous brewery.

Q32. Would you like to live there in the future?

Yes, It’s my hometown after all and I intend to visit and live there even if I immigrate to some other country.

grocery storecornerold or new
parkend or overlookinglots of
post officefacinga lot of
departmental storein front ofbig
taxi standleft or right-hand sidehuge
clothing storenearmulti-brand
dry cleanernext toeconomical
IELTS Speaking Part-1 Hometown vocabulary

6. New Year

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 New year related questions with answers:

Q33. How do you celebrate New year?

New Year celebrations at my place are one of its kind. I start my day usually with prayers alongside my family. Then we go to my Aunt’s house and have a delicious family brunch there. We play video games and chess together and followed by fireworks in the night.

Q34. Do you still remember a New year that you celebrated?

It was last year that our celebrations took a hit due to COVID-19. But I’m glad social media helped us to get the same feel of togetherness and kickstarted our New Year full of hope and love.

Q35. Do you have any New year ceremonies in your country?

In my country, people love fireworks. They gather near the william bridge and watch an astonishing fireworks ceremony with their friends and family.

Q36. Why do people think New year is a new beginning?

The new set of 365 days offers new set of hopes. People think it’s a new start of their lives and whatever they’ve missed last year.. they try to achieve all of that .

7. Feeling Happy

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Feeling happy questions with answers:

Q37. Is there anything that made you feel happy lately?

After a hectic day at my office, coming back home and talking to my Mom usually makes me happy. We are like friends and I share everything with her.

Q38. What do you do to stay happy?

I believe happiness is just another state of mind. I prefer to watch comedy shows to stay happy.

Q39. Can you stay happy all the time?

Well NO..change of emotions is a human tendency and like everyone else, I can’t stay happy all the time. I get mood swings when different things happen.

Q40. Is it important to be happy?

Absolutely! The happiness must be a central part of our lives. It’s a fast changing world today and we’re under so much stress, one or two happy moments have the kill switch to vanish all our worries.

8. Hobby

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Hobbies related questions with answers:

Q41. What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to read a lot when I’m free. The self-help books are my favourite because they have..the right dose of motivation I need to keep me going.

Q42. How often do you do this hobby or activity?

Actually its like everyday I do this activity. I keep at least 1-2 books with me all the time and start reading when I’ve no other thing to do.

Q43. Do you belong to a club related to this activity?

No, not yet. But I’m planning to join THE READERS CLUB of California next month. They are a wonderful team I’d say

Q44. How did you learn to do this activity?

Reading comes naturally to me. I’ve never learnt it but yes..I was inspired by the great authors like William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and George Orwell.

Q45. Do you need special equipment for it?

I just need a book to keep it going. That’s all it takes.

Q46. What do you like most about it?

The best part of reading is LEARNING – Be it learning a language or understanding a culture, Reading helped me a lot.

interested inclubequipment
enjoyget togethercollect or collection
joinlearn howpassion or passionate about
belong tolessonsfascinate or fascinated by
IELTS Speaking Part-1 Hobbies related vocabulary

9. Voice

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Voice related questions with answers:

Q47. Has your voice ever changed?

Yes, the transformation happened when I entered adolescent age, probably due to hormonal changes.

Q48. Is your voice similar to your parents?

No..Not at all!!! Our voices are so distinctive that they can easily be identified from miles away.

Q49. Do you like your voice?

I would be lying..if I say NO!!! Yes, I like my voice as it is. I believe it reflects my character.

Q50. Is your voice different from when you were young?

Yes, the texture of my voice has changed over the period. When I was a child, I had a sharp voice but now, it’s much deeper.

Q51. Do you like to record your voice?

I have a sound cloud channel. So, I frequently record my songs and upload them onto the website. I think people like my voice as I have 2.3 million listeners till date.

Q52. Does anyone in your family have similar voice?

Well… I don’t think anyone in my family does have a voice like me. Me, My father and my mother..we have three distinct tones.

10. Language

Following are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Language related questions with answers:

Q53. What languages do you speak?

I am trilingual. Currently, I speak three languages – English, French and Punjabi. All three of them are fun to use.

Q54. Do you think French is difficult to learn?

Quite frankly, it’s difficult to some extent because the French grammar is more complex in nature as compared to other languages. But it’s also a matter of passion & perseverance; if you practice it like’s easy to learn.

Q55. Would you like to learn other languages?

Learning a language is a beautiful journey. I’m always eager to learn different languages. In fact, initially, I was learning French because it’s a second language in Canada but now I started enjoying it as a hobby.

IELTS Speaking Part-1 Questions and Answers (Top 50) PDF

Click on the link to download the PDF copy of top 50 IELTS Speaking Part-1 questions and answers.

These questions are repeatedly asked in the Speaking exam, try to make short notes and answer these questions in your own words.

I hope this post will boost your language proficiency. To know more about the Speaking test, check out our Speaking Section.

If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below or join the conversation on our Youtube Channel.

All The Best !

Rajit K.

Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. He is best known for his rich expertise in IELTS & Canadian Immigration. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram & Twitter.

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