[Band 7.5] Describe a time you had a disagreement with someone IELTS Cue-Card
In Describe a time you had a disagreement with someone Cue Card, you should say:
1. Who this person was?
2. Why did you have the disagreement?
3. How was the issue resolved?
4. How you felt about it?

Here’s the first sample answer to Describe a time you had a disagreement with someone IELTS Speaking Cue Card:
I am one of those rather passive people who don’t really indulge in arguments except on some very rare occasions. But today, I would take this opportunity to throw some light on one of those rare occasions when I had a strong disagreement with a good friend of mine.
Who this person was?
The disagreement happened with Ritesh – one of my closest friends in college. He lives close to my home—just a few minutes’ walk away.
Why did you have the disagreement?
I use Apple products and am pleased with the battery life of their cell phones. On the other hand, Ritesh, a Samsung user, was experiencing shorter battery backup which was rare for a Samsung smartphone. I advised him to switch phones because this problem affects the majority of Samsung handsets.
So we had a heated argument over how some manufacturers, despite having increased features in their products, have poor power backup.
Although he feels at ease using Samsung goods, he also complains about their drawbacks. I, therefore, sought to convince Ritesh that there are legitimate issues with Samsung smartphone batteries. He refuted the claim nonetheless, using faulty reasoning to support his phone.
He claimed that using a lot of programmes causes the battery to deplete, but I think using applications is what cell phones are designed for.
How was the issue resolved?
I found it quite challenging to come to an agreement. The argument actually lasted for almost 30-35 minutes. We both produced arguments in favour of our individual smartphones. However, Cohen eventually had to acknowledge that his tech. was having some issues. I listed all of the issues I encountered when using a Samsung mobile phone. I informed him that using the phone for voice calls and playing games causes it to get hot. He concurred.
He made an effort to refute the facts, claiming that the battery heats up as it operates. I gave him a look at my iPhone and told him he could use it and play any game for a few minutes. When he did, there were no problems with the battery or heating up.
And finally, Ritesh agreed to my justifications and the issue was resolved.
How you felt about it?
Although I did my best to defend his honour, there were times when he embarrassed himself by providing flimsy justifications. Then, I had to act rudely. He apologised to me for his unwelcome interactions after the argument was done. But both of us felt fine about it. We exchanged warm hugs.
Concluding the Cue Card
It’s simpler to end a relationship than to start one. We both erred on the excessive side at times. Ritesh actually started yelling at me as I was pointing out the problems. Now finally, Ritesh upgraded his phone, and I’m delighted he did because he’ll now have a smartphone with long battery life.
I usually get along well with all of my friends, and I have a propensity to listen carefully before speaking. This isn’t always the case, though, and I can think back on a few instances where I had to vehemently disagree with my closest people. So today, I’ll describe a situation where I had a heated argument with one of my closest friends Aashna, why it occurred, how we resolved it, and what I feel about it.
I was only beginning my university studies when this argument occurred. Our course instructor assigned us a task that involved writing a review of a documentary. Our midterm assignment included that, and the teacher was free to assign the students an assignment on any subject. Aashu and I were both assigned to a team of four people. She was renowned for her intellect and was one of the best performers in our class.
We barely had three days to turn in our project, so after class, we decided to see this documentary at my house. Interestingly, Aashu didn’t arrive that evening and her phone was switched off. So I rescheduled to watch the movie at a later time since I was concerned about her. The following day, Aashu and I met on campus. I asked her why she didn’t come yesterday. She mockingly laughed and told me to post the review on the documentary from IMDb (a review website) instead.
She also suggested that she is going to write the review for us and we could focus on something else. That’s where we had a disagreement. She didn’t understand the gravity of the matter.
I made an effort to persuade her that the assignment’s entire purpose was to avoid copying and pasting text from other websites, and I would never agree with that. About half an hour into our heated discussion, we both started to lose patience with one another. Finally, I informed him that I would not be working on this task with her and that I would request the teacher to put me on a separate team.
However, after two days, two other team members interjected and suggested a solution. They suggested that Aashu and I both develop our own assignments, review them, and then we submit the best one as the team’s assignment.
Despite our argument, our friendship was stronger and Aashu agreed to do this task. We were all pleased with the way the argument was resolved. We were all relieved and satisfied when we received an A+ on our homework.
Following are the probable set of IELTS Speaking Part-3 follow-up questions for Describe a time you had a disagreement with someone cue card:
1) If there is a disagreement, what do you do?
In every relationship, personal or professional, there will always be some disagreement. You will never find an environment where people always agree and that understand each other. So, I don’t let little disagreements get out of hand and simply inform the person I disagree with them before moving on. However, I seek counsel from my parents and friends when it’s something crucial.
2) How can we stop disagreements from escalating into a fight?
We only need to maintain our composure and use reason. Giving problems time seems to be the best method to defuse tense circumstances. When we rush into decisions, we often end up making mistakes. I also make an effort to involve a third party and solicit their opinion.
3) Who do you think should teach children to respect- teachers or parents?
I believe that teaching child is the responsibility of both parents and teachers. But in my opinion, learning such things comes more through observing others than from formal instruction. Parents’ behaviour in front of their children is extremely essential since children learn a lot from watching their parents.
4) What do you do when you have a disagreement with your parents?
Well, in this instance, I’m usually compelled to agree with their point of view. I don’t mind it because I know my parents just have my best interests in mind. However, there are occasions when I do try to resist when I have strong feelings about something.
5) What disagreements do parents and children usually have?
The conflict between parents and children is normal. It is part of family life. In most cases, arguments between parents and kids centre on punishment or the goods that kids prefer to buy. For instance, I used to debate with my parents about sleeping in on Sundays till late in the morning, but they were always against it.
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I hope it gives you some realistic idea on how to carry a conversation around Describe a time you had a disagreement with someone IELTS Cue card topic. However, it is strongly advised not to reproduce the same answer during the exam. You should rather reformulate and personalise your answer.
If you still need any help, don’t be shy to comment below.