Tuesday, October 22, 2024
IELTS Cue-cardIELTS Speaking

[7+] Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did IELTS Cue-Card

In Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did IELTS Cue Card, you should say:

  1. What you did?
  2. When was it?
  3. Why you get positive feedback?
  4. Explain how you felt about it?
Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did IELTS Cue-Card
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Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did IELTS Cue-Card

Here are the band 7+ sample answers to Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did IELTS Speaking Cue Card:

Sample Answer 1

Showing appreciation to co-workers helps to strengthen relationships with colleagues. I’ve had the good fortune to get a lot of positive feedback throughout the years, though I have to acknowledge that not all of it was merited.

In reality, I believe that many of those compliments were given to me out of consideration for me. However, I can still clearly recall at least one comment I received as a college student roughly 3 years ago as being sincere.

To tell the tale, back when I was in college, I used to tutor high school kids at their homes, focusing largely on general science classes like physics, chemistry, biology, and math. By the way, I like doing this home tutoring thing because it helped me to keep the study mindset because I was also a Bachelor of Science student. Additionally, it helped me a little bit with pocket money.

However, even though all of my students who took my courses at home were fairly intelligent and bright, at least one of them struggled with science and scientific concepts. I made the decision to let his parents know about this while also requesting that he spend additional time with me each week so that he could receive good instruction. Naturally, his parents concurred, and I set out on a mission to teach him science in the most effective way I could.

If I recall correctly, I only provided him with home tuition for approximately 3 months, but during that time his performance and development were astounding, and this was shown in his next final exam. In fact, he received an 85 percentile on his subsequent Science exam, compared to his past average scores. The parents of that kid provided me with some really positive feedback after noticing such a significant improvement in their son’s grade.

I felt incredibly good and proud of my accomplishment after getting that enormous note of thanks. I actually viewed it as a challenge. Additionally, by doing this, I was able to boost my confidence in my academic abilities and career aspirations.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience!

Sample Answer 2

There are many occasions in life where we either assist others or be assisted by them. I want to talk about one such case where I helped someone and got paid for it.

It so happened that I was in Chandigarh for a wedding last month. On the way, there is a gas station. We saw a woman on her side, bleeding profusely from her head. This calamity had just happened two minutes before. She and her husband were leaving the gas station on a scooter when they were struck by a fast car. We stopped by the side of the road and came closer to offer our assistance.

She was in severe condition, but her spouse suffered only minor injuries. We hurriedly called 108 for help. It is the free ambulance service number provided by the government. In fifteen minutes, the ambulance showed up. We chose not to relocate the woman since doing so might have made her injury worse. She was in great pain even though she was breathing regularly. There was a first-aid team led by a doctor inside the ambulance.

She was carefully put on a stretcher by the ambulance personnel before being taken to Zirakpur Civil Hospital. We called the patient’s other relatives and acquired her husband’s phone number. He was actually surprised by his wife’s condition. We took him in our automobile to the hospital. Only after things were resolved did we go on.

The guy called us a few days later to thank us and extolled our virtues. He said that because of our quick action, his wife was doing great.


Following are the probable Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did follow up questions that may be asked by the examiner in Speaking Part-3 of the test:

1. Do you like helping others?

Yes, I enjoy assisting others. I am overjoyed when I am able to assist someone. I do my best to assist everybody that comes to me for assistance. When we give to others it activates the areas of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection and trust. Altruistic behaviour releases endorphins in the brain and boosts happiness for us as well as the people we help.

2. In your view should children be taught to help others?

Yes, students should be taught to assist others. They should be taught that if they help others today, they will get support tomorrow if they need it.

3. How can we encourage children to help others?

By setting a good example, we may teach youngsters to serve others. They will learn to help others if they see their elders helping others. By teaching our child to help others, we can bring out that aspect of his character which everyone around him will appreciate. Helping others will also make our child realise that it is his moral responsibility to help and care for those around him.

4. Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past?

Yes, I believe so. Life today is quite quick. People have turned become workaholics. They have become self-absorbed. They don’t have time to help others.


I have mixed opinions. There was a time that people helped someone and they appreciated it, and not so all the time. So, people are willing to help others because they feel that they should, and people are not willing to help others because it’s not their responsibility or they didn’t ask for help.

5. Do people trust others as much as they used to in the past?

No, I don’t believe so. My parents and grandparents tell me that life used to be simpler and slower. People had faith in one another. Nowadays, it is quite difficult to find someone with whom you can put your trust.


Definitely NOT!

Back then, individuals were more dependable. The main factor, in my opinion, has to do with the fact that there were fewer people and choices.

The world has undergone significant change in many ways, but technology has had the biggest impact. Thanks to technology, a wealth of information—both good and bad—is now readily available, and people are relying more on technology rather than their fellow mates.

6. How do people in your community help one another?

The place where I live, some people volunteer to operate youth activity clubs or to work in senior living communities. Others donate cash, food, or clothing to charities that help those who are below the poverty line. They help each other in whatever way they can.

7. How do students such as high school students help each other?

High school students assist one another socially, emotionally, and academically. Exchanging notes, sharing transportation etc are some of the examples how students support one another at the school.

8. How can charitable organizations help people?

Charitable organisations assist people in a variety of ways. They assist by donating money or teaching individuals skills that will enable them to earn a living. They open free sewing schools and computer instruction centres, for example.


As humanitarian aid is provided on a daily basis more places in the world, so are the methods used to aid those who are less fortunate. Now, charitable organisations support the neighbourhood by offering the residents all the necessities of life, including food, shelter, education, and financial aid. Most philanthropic organisations assist the poor by getting in touch with the individuals who are affected. Some groups hold special events where famous celebrities are invited to distribute humanitarian supplies. Consequently, each organisation has its unique strategy for assisting the poor.

9. What are some examples of such organizations in your country?

Since the past few decades many Non-Governmental Organizations in India have come into existence and through their dedicated and selfless work strengthened their position in society. Out of these many NGO in India, a few of them have carved a name for themselves and have impacted society in a positive way. For example, CHILDLINE India Foundation, Pratham, Smile Foundation, CRY (Child Rights and You) etc.

10. What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers?

There are numerous advantages to having unpaid volunteers. The capacity to build a powerhouse of resources lies with organisations that welcome volunteers with a well-tuned intake mechanism, clear direction and vision for those volunteers, and the usage of such volunteers in a way that has the greatest impact on the members the organisation serves.

A properly-run volunteer programme inside an organisation can have an impact that goes much beyond the volunteer and the business as a whole. It can really spur community development and encourage hope. Employing volunteers as a driving force enables nonprofits and organisations to use donations far more efficiently by directing them to the cause they support rather than paying for overhead.

11. How do you think the volunteers themselves benefit?

Volunteers benefit in a variety of ways. If they help for free today, they may be able to earn a paid position from the same network tomorrow. They will also have the opportunity to hone their practical abilities.


Being a volunteer for a group in one’s desired field of work is advantageous because it allows for networking and experience gains. In addition to benefiting yourself, volunteering opens up more opportunities for others, which has a significant positive impact on the community and individuals who live there. Everyone wins when there are more responsible members of the community, so by helping to increase that, you AND the community win. Of course, there is also the satisfaction that comes from utilising your abilities and influence to improve someone else’s life.

12. Should professionals be hired rather than using volunteer workers?

It is dependent on the job. For example, if free eye procedures are required, it is preferable to hire professionals. Volunteers can also be used for this purpose.

13. Do you think international aid is important?

Yes, I believe it is critical. It strengthens international relations. However, I believe that rather than providing direct cash assistance, wealthier countries should seek to create jobs and other amenities to poor countries.

14. Can you give examples of international aid?

The World Food Programme and the United Nations are examples of international organizations that provide significant amounts of aid to developing countries.


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I hope it gives you some realistic idea on how to carry a conversation around Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did IELTS Cue card topic. However, it is strongly advised not to reproduce the same answer during the exam, as it may be used by many of our readers on the site. You should rather reformulate and personalize your answer.

If you still have any doubts, post them in the comments.


Rajit K.

Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. He is best known for his rich expertise in IELTS & Canadian Immigration. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram & Twitter.

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