Monday, October 21, 2024
IELTS ListeningIELTS Listening Practice Test

IELTS Listening Free Online IDP Practice Test – 50

IELTS Listening Free Online IDP Practice Test: This is the 50th test of our LISTENING Practice Test Series. All tests are based on real exam patterns and correspond to the actual difficulty level you may find in the IELTS.

This test is divided into four sections – 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Section 1 is a discussion between a woman and a salesman about phone services.

Section 2 is an interview of a man about running a small-business.

Section 3 is a discussion between two university students about their essays.

Section 4 is a lecture on ‘Desalination’.

The IELTS Listening exam is challenging in the sense that you can hear the recording only once. No REWIND, No PAUSE, Only PLAY. Pay special attention to the information provided in the question booklet and spot some keywords, then listening for those keywords will help you follow the pace of the recording.


Audio – Section 1 of IELTS Listening Free Online IDP Practice Test

Questions 1-6

Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Ann would like to get the internet at home
1) Ann wants wireless and ……………………… services combined.

2) The salesman says that soon any customer who signs a(n) ……………………… – month contract will receive a new smartphone.

3) Ann wants a basic phone so an employer can contact her for relief ……………………… .

4) Ann believes it is expensive to replace the glass ……………………… of a fancy phone.

5) Each year, Ann spends about $……………………… on phone bills.

6) The salesman suggests Ann buy ……………………… in case of damage or theft.

Questions 7-10

Classify the following descriptions as relating to:

A. 06-month contract
B. 12-month contract
C. 24-month contract

Write the correct letter – A, B or C on your listening answer sheet.

7) This contract requires photo ID, a financial statement, and address proof.………………………
8) This contract has a $200 penalty if the service is cancelled early.………………………
9) This contract is no longer available.………………………
10) This contract does not come with a modem.………………………


Audio – Section 2 of IELTS Listening Free Online IDP Practice Test

Questions 11-15

Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.


According to John Lim:
11) Both looking after children and running a business need clear priorities and excellent time ……………………… .

12) The town he moved to was changing – farming and mining were being replaced by ……………………… industries.

13) The national figure for small businesses that fail within two years of setting up is around ……………………… %.

14) A small business needs a good ……………………… as well as capital.

15) A small business benefit from both ……………………… and day-by-day plans.

Questions 16-19

Choose the correct letter – A, B or C.

16) John Lim’s survey found that ……………………… of people who work at home were inefficient.

A. 40%

B. 50%

C. 60%

17) In addition, ……………………… of them put in more hours than their office counterparts.

A. 40%

B. 50%

C. 60%

18) John Lim suggests that since humans are social creatures, those who work alone at home miss …

A. being with other people.

B. the office gossip.

C. the company of an animal.

19) People who go bankrupt ought to …

A. find a good accountant.

B. take a long holiday.

C. shoulder the burden of their failure

Question 20

Which sequence best illustrate the history of John Lim’s business?

Write i, ii or iii in box 20 on your listening answer sheet.

IELTS Listening free online IDP practice test Chart


Audio – Section 3 of IELTS Listening Free Online IDP Practice Test

Questions 21-26

Complete the summary below.

Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.


The students need to write (21) …………………… words for their essays. Sue, however, has written many more as she is extremely (22) …………………… in the Human Development Index.

Sue thinks Isaaq should expand his introduction to show which (23) …………………… he supports. He should include more (24) …………………… while avoiding plagiarism, which is (25) …………………… another writer’s ideas. At university, students are expected to have more sophisticated ideas than (26) …………………… students.

Questions 27-30

Write your answers in boxes 27-30 on your listening answer sheet.

Which of the following does Sue suggest Isaaq do?

A. Summarise his topic more clearly.
B. Paraphrase the long quote.
C. Provide an in-text reference for his quote.
D. Acknowledge using the Oxford System.
E. Read his worksheet on referencing from his first tutorial.
F. Write a new bibliography.
G. Read the articles written by Sword and Newcombe
H. Email her his extra paragraphs later that night.


Audio – Section 4 of IELTS Listening Free Online IDP Practice Test

Questions 31 & 32

Choose the correct letter – A, B or C.


31) Desalination is the process of …

A. recycling salty water.

B. taking minerals out of seawater.

C. separating salt from water.

32) Critics of desalination say …

A. it is inefficient and dirty.

B. there are simpler alternatives.

C. it may not work in future.

Questions 33-35

Label the diagram below.

Write ONE WORD for each answer.

IELTS Listening IDP practice Process Flow Chart

Questions 36-40

Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

36) Desalination is ……………………… times more costly than any other method of extracting potable water.

37) If ………………………% of water was recycled in Sydney, it would equal the amount produced by one desalination plant in a year.

38) Through education and restriction, the city of Sydney used ………………………% less water than previously.

39) Desalination causes pollution. One Sydney plant pumps ……………………… billion litres of waste into the ocean every day.

40) Governments choose desalination because it is too hard to get ……………………… of residents to use recycling systems

IELTS Listening Online Practice Test – 50 Ans Key


  2. 18 / EIGHTEEN
  5. 300
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  13. 40 / FORTY
  15. 5-YEAR / FIVE-YEAR
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. A
  20. iii
  21. 2500
  27. B/C/F/G (in any order)
  28. B/C/F/G (in any order)
  29. B/C/F/G (in any order)
  30. B/C/F/G (in any order)
  31. B
  32. A
  35. TANK
  36. 5 / FIVE
  37. 20 / TWENTY
  38. 10 / TEN
  39. 1.5

About IDP Listening Free Online Test

IELTS Listening Free Online IDP Practice Test No. 50 falls under the ‘Moderate’ category. So, if you are scoring 32+/40 in this practice test you are highly likely to get band 7 and above in the real exam setting.

Here’s a PDF version of the IELTS Listening Test, which you can download and practice.

All The Best!

Rajit K.

Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. He is best known for his rich expertise in IELTS & Canadian Immigration. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram & Twitter.

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