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IELTS SpeakingIELTS Speaking Part 3

(Top 50) IELTS Speaking Part-3 Difficult Q & A

In this post, you will find the top 50 IELTS Speaking Part-3 difficult questions and answers.

The examiner uses a script to give questions throughout the IELTS Speaking test, which is divided into three sections (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). This is why all Speaking tests, no matter where they are held, follow a similar structured pattern.

The topics for top 50 IELTS Speaking Part-3 difficult questions and answers are listed below:

  1. Friends
  2. Happiness
  3. Being Smart
  4. Fame
  5. History
  6. Leadership
  7. Family
  8. Helping others
  9. Personality
  10. Habits


top 50 IELTS Speaking difficult questions and answers

1. How do people meet new friends?

Well, I think that most young people make new friends at school or at university. It is always easier to become friends when you see each other every day, and when you have the same interests or goals. On the other hand, when we become older, it’s common to become closer to our co-workers. It is also possible to form a good relationship with people when you participate in an activity together such as a basketball team, or a dance troop.A lot of old people get together for dancing every night where I live.

2. What can cause people to lose contact with friends?

I think that time and distance can make you lose touch with your friends. When we get older, people follow different paths and people move to other cities. As time goes by, we meet new friends; we get responsibilities in our work, in our families, and it’s possible to forget about the past, and our old friends.

3. What are some of the responsibilities of being a good friend?

A good friend must support and advise you. A good friend should always be there to listen to you, especially when you’re having some troubles . I believe that a good friend should be thoughtful and kind. A good friend is someone you can trust and rely on at any time

4. Do friends or family have more influence on young people today?

That’s a hard question, because in today’s India, parents are still very influential. Children listen to their parents, even if they might disagree. There is always this notion of respect towards parents.On the other hand, young people spend more and more time with their friends:they chat online all the time, they are able to send text messages to each other anytime they want, and friendship is an extremely important value in our society. I would say that young people probably consider their friends’ advice first, but ultimately (= eventually =at last) they follow their parents’ decision.


5. What effects can a person’s standard of living have on their happiness?

Well, I think that it is definitely easier to be happy when you have money. If you earn a high salary or come from a wealthy family, I suppose that you have more opportunities to make your life more colourful. Money can’t buy everything, but it undeniably(=definitely) helps you enjoy yourself.

6. What changes in people’s lives increase their happiness?

There are a great number of events that change our lives in a positive way. I think that students are always thrilled(=excited) to graduate and begin a new experience at university. Later on, people are delighted to find a job or get a promotion in their field. In terms of personal life, getting married or having a baby can definitely make people ecstatic(= extremely happy)·.

7. How do people try to achieve happiness?

Well, nowadays professional success is essential for many people; so many individuals are looking for a stable job, with a high income(=salary).If they succeed, they will be satisfied with themselves, and therefore happier. In addition, in order to be happy, people want to find love. I think that getting married and founding a family should be the main source of happiness in one’s life. On top of this, it’s always possible to enjoy yourself through traveling, or eating good food, or shopping. A lot of young people enjoy partying. Some even find comfort in drinking.

8. Do children and adults show their feelings in the same ways?

No, definitely not! I believe that adults are frequently careful with the way they show their feelings. You know, in my country we learn how to control our emotions. Adults smile and only talk a little about their feelings, but they usually internalize(=keep emotions in) a lot. On the other hand, kids don’t think so much and they happily display their feelings:they laugh out loud, and they scream and jump around whenever they are thrilled about a gift or something else.


9. How would you define “being smart”?

What does it mean to be intelligent? That’s a tough question to answer. Well, there are different kinds of intelligence, I suppose. First, there is academic intelligence that is based on general knowledge, and how well you remember things. I think we can assess this intelligence through an IQ test. In addition, some people are very independent and resourceful, and this is another kind of cleverness . This other kind of intelligence is what we call EQ. It’s based on emotions, and how you resolve problems. Some people can have a very high IQ, but be very naive at the same time. As a result, they might not do as well in certain jobs and probably shouldn’t become managers, doctors or teachers.

10. What is more important: IQ or EQ?

I would say that the Emotional Quotient is more important because without the ability to deal with problems, stress, and communication issues, it would be very hard to succeed in today’s society. On the other hand, someone who has very little knowledge in terms of basic subjects such as verbal skills and mathematics, and just reasoning in general, would also have serious problems in daily life. So they are both fundamental, and IQ is not the opposite of EQ· They are complementary (=they work in pair)..

11. How important is reading for someone’s education?

It’s fundamental to be able to read, and to read a lot. Reading allows us to learn information about everything : news around the world, articles on specific subjects, and also logical and pragmatic (= practical knowledge. People who are illiterate don’t have access to all the resources available.

12. Do you think that intelligence can be inherited?

This is a question we should ask scientists. I believe that we all inherit certain abilities and characteristics through our genes, so I would say we can inherit the aptitude to learn from our parents.Some kids are more talented than others.However, I am sure that this predisposition (= gift of nature) is not enough: education is more important. People are not born smart; they can become intelligent through education.


13. How do people become famous nowadays?

Well, there are many ways to become famous nowadays, and I think it is easier than before because of the Internet, and the quick access to information. But in general, you need to be talented if you want to become a celebrity: if you have a gift for sports, music or writing, you can make a name for yourself. I believe that people who are not truly talented cannot stay famous very long.

14. What are the possible problems of being famous?

Being a star also comes with disadvantages.Celebrities are recognized wherever they go, so they need to sign autographs, and talk to their fans everywhere. They don’t have so much privacy because paparazzi follow them everywhere. We all know what happened to Princess Diana…

15. Why do some people want to be famous?

That’s an obvious answer, isn’t it? People who are famous are usually rich. They can use their image, their name, to make more money. In addition, I believe that when you are famous, you must have access to many privileges. For examples, you might not need to pay when you go to a restaurant, because the owner will feel honored by your visit. I am sure there are a lot of other advantages.

16. How can having a famous parent affect a child?

Well, it could influence the child in a positive or in a negative way. If your father is successful (and rich), you might get access to a better education or you might have more opportunities to meet important people who could help you for your personal career. On the other hand, it’s possible that the child will lack confidence if he constantly compares himself to his father or mother. I think it must be tough when you introduce yourself, people always mention your famous Mom or Dad.

17. Do you think it’s fair that superstars earn so much money?

Well, for the most part they are talented and I couldn’t do their job, so they must deserve the money they make. If I had a wonderful voice, or if I had a talent for acting, then I would ask for a high salary too. I know their incomes are phenomenal, but that’s the way society works:there is a lot of cash to be made for people who can stand out from the crowd.

18. How do celebrities influence our lives?

I think that celebrities mostly influence the lives of young people who look up to them as role models.Teenagers might decide to copy the way their favorite stars speak, dress, or even eat. They might also be influenced in terms of ideas. For example, when Yao Ming gives an interview, he often repeats how important it is to work hard if you want to succeed. This could have a good impact on young people’s attitudes.

19. How does the media in your country report on famous people?

In India, we get reports on the entertainment industry in the newspapers and on TV on a daily basis, but the news is usually very positive; I would say just informative. On the Internet, some articles are more scandalous(=shocking): they report more on sensational news in order to shock readers.

20. Why is the general public so interested in the lives of famous people?

I think everyone is curious about celebrities. They are supposed to have everything we ever dream of: fame, money, power, good looks…We all would like to know if they have any secrets, if they are very different from us. This is why there are so many TV programs about famous people’s lives and careers. It makes us dream.


21. How important is it to learn about history?

I think it’s extremely important to learn about history because whatever happened in the past can explain pretty much everything that is going on in our society nowadays. Learning about history is a great chance to find out about our national culture. Because of the current trend towards globalization, it’s useful to learn about other countries’ history and culture. It’s beneficial to our understanding of the world we live in.

22. What can students learn from famous historical characters?

Well, I guess that former emperors, generals and politicians, as well as national writers, can teach us some important values, such as loyalty, honesty, and hard work. They represent our culture and, most importantly, they helped shape our national identity. These people were extremely patriotic (=nationalistic), and this is another important value we can learn from them. We definitely learn a lot from their success. However, we can also learn from the mistakes they might have made, and make sure we don’t commit the same errors in the future.

23. What should people do in order not to forget history?

Well, teachers must teach about the past, even if what happened was detrimental(= harmful) to the nation. I think it’s important for students to talk about the national history in order to better understand what really happened. In addition, grandparents should also share stories and memories with their children and grandchildren. It is a great way for the younger generations to find out about the past. On top of this, cities should definitely build museums to display pieces of our national heritage. One more thing: in order to remember the past, we shouldn’t destroy any ancient buildings, but renovate them instead. I think that architecture is a very important aspect of our history.

24. How interested are people in the history of where they live?

I believe that people are very interested and proud of their local history. People always feel attached to their hometown and their roots. People enjoy promoting their local area, and if the region played an important role in history, people will happily remind you of this.In my city, I think people are only recently beginning to feel more fascinated by the past. In the last 30 years, people were more concerned about the future, and the development of theurban area. This is why they kind of forgot to protect old buildings and old neighborhoods. But as you say in English: “Better late than never.

25. How important are historical monuments for attracting tourists to a country?

Extremely important!Thousands of people come to China to climb the Great Wall and visit the Forbidden City, or the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an. These monuments symbolize Chinese culture, and this is what tourists want to see when they come to my country. But it’s the same everywhere. If anyone goes to Europe, they won’t miss the Eiffel Tower, the BigBen and the Coliseum in Rome. They are prestigious cultural legacies from the past. And they definitely attract visitors.


26. How do people become leaders?

That’s a good question, and I don’t think there is one definite answer. It is common to debate the question of whether leaders are born or made. Can anyone become a leader? I don’t think so.I believe people are born with some characteristics that could prompt (= cause) them to take responsibilities, to be brave and decisive.I would assume that many leaders worked hard to get to the top, but others found an easier way, using their connections to get to a high-ranking position.

27. How can parents encourage leadership qualities in their children?

Parents should act as role models for their kids. Children should learn how to take initiative (=decisions on their own), so parents should give them freedom and time to think by themselves. I believe that if a child learns how to manage different situations, he will become more mature, more independent, and also more flexible. These are essential qualities a leader should have. In addition, parents could try to ask their child to organize an activity or a schedule on his own. As a result, the child would learn how to make decisions and plans. Planning is the leader’s task.

28. How might future leaders differ from the leaders of today?

That’s a tough question. I think leaders in the future will be closer to their people and staff. In the past, we didn’t know much about our political leaders. In business, there was always a huge gap between workers and their bosses . But I think that in the future, leaders will be more accessible . As a result, their job will also require them to have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and to be in touch with everyone regularly . Leaders will not only make decisions, but also train and advise more.

29. Are political leaders the most influential in today’s society?

Yes, definitely, because they pass the laws and plan our society’s future. They make major decisions in terms of the national and local economy. On the other hand, other leaders also influence our daily lives by their actions and accomplishments. Young people look up to famous athletes(=sportsmen), pop stars and actors. These celebrities play a very important role for teenagers, and they have an impact on their attitudes and way of thinking. Business leaders are also very powerful nowadays, because they can influence some of the government’s decisions.

30. Do you think a leader should be perfect in all fields?

It would be nice, but no one’s perfect. They are role models because of their achievements and as long as they do their job well, they are allowed to make occasional mistakes. I am a big sports fan, and a few months ago, I was a bit surprised to hear about golfer. Tiger Woods apologizing to his fans because he cheated on his wife. 1 think that leaders should be responsible for their work and position, but they don’t owe apologies to the public when they commit mistakes that are not relevant to their field of expertise. Tiger Woods should work it out with his wife, not the journalists.


31. To what extent do you think children inherit characteristics from their parents?

I don’t know if we actually inherit characteristics from our genes or if we simply learn to imitate our parents’ behavior. The fact is that very often children act like their folks. If a child sees his father read a lot, the child might be more prone to enjoy calm activities. If a child is always outside playing sports with his dad, chances are the kid will become active and energetic too. We always say that parents are a child’s first teachers, and I think it’s quite true. Take me for example. I am quite patient, just like my mother. I guess that as a child she taught me how to behave this way, or this characteristic may well run in the family. Who knows?

32. What types of activities do families often do together?

Well, it really varies from one family to another, but from my perspective, relatives in China really enjoy having dinner together. It’s a great chance to get together and talk and catch up with each other. We always say that a good meal brings people closer together. In addition, family members frequently go shopping together and buy clothes or groceries for each other. Some people enjoy watching TV, playing cards or mahjong. Some others prefer going for a stroll (= a walk). Now that people have more money than before, it’s quite common to see whole families traveling together.

33. Have there been any recent changes in the responsibilities of mothers and fathers ?

I guess so. In the past, mothers used to stay at home to look after the child and take care of the household chores. But these days, mothers also have a job, just like their husband, so couples usually divide the responsibilities. Fathers often. cook and help with the housework, while women share the responsibility for making money for the family. I reckon it sounds fair for everyone. Why should women stay at home to cook and take care of the children all the time?

34. What part might older people play in families in the future?

I guess that if people in my country manage to make more money than in the past, they will be able to save more, and they won’t need to live with their children when they get old. I hope that when I retire, I will have enough money to enjoy life, to go traveling, to go out and have fun. I think parents might place their children in day-care centers if they can afford it, in order to avoid bothering their elderly parents.So grandparents might have more independence, and less influence on their kids and grandchildren.

35. Compare the ways that young people and old people look at life.

Well, elderly people are usually wiser, and less worried about the future. I guess old people have accumulated(=gained) so much experience throughout their lives that they know what is really important, whereas young people sometimes might not have their priorities(=the most important things) straight. Young people might be a little careless and quick-minded. On the other hand, senior citizens are mature and calm. They never make decisions impulsively (= too quickly). I think it’s easier for older people to sound optimistic, while it can be more difficult for the young generations to look at the bright side of things. Young people always want more these days, and this is why they might worry about morrow.


36. What kinds of help do family members give each other?

Well, relatives help each other in many different ways. First of all, parents always give advice to their children, especially when it comes to important questions such as education, career choices, or issues with relationships. I think it is actually normal for parents to help their children. It is their responsibility, even their duty to assist the child, even when their child becomes a grown-up. In addition, family members also support each other. They usually encourage each other, and it’s very common in my country to lend money to our relatives if they need it. I think most Chinese families provide each other with financial help. And you know, when our parents get older, we ask them to come and live with us. It’s a cycle: they helped us when we were young, and we give them a hand when they get old.

37. How important is it to help visitors in your country?

It’s extremely important to be welcoming and helpful to foreign tourists. Well, actually, we should be considerate with everyone, not only foreigners. I think that it’s a national value to be nice and polite to everyone. The government emphasized this value in 2008, before the Beijing Olympics.They asked everyone in the capital to smile and help visitors. In my hometown, people are quite friendly and hospitable. People will always treat their guests to tea and some snacks. However, I guess that in the city, things are a little different. There are so many people; people don’t care so much about others.

38. Why do some people enjoy helping others?

Well, it’s always a good feeling to be helpful. I guess you could say it is rewarding to do a good deed. Whenever you do something good, people will smile at you or thank you. It definitely makes you look good, and feel good inside. Just like a doctor for example, when he cures a patient, he can feel proud of himself. It means his life is meaningful. I am sure that some teachers feel the same, when their students become successful. They know they played a role in their success. It’s impossible to be completely selfless.

39. Which kinds of organizations do work to help people in your country?

There are many charity groups in my country that help the less fortunate. After natural disasters such as the earthquake that hit Sichuan in 2008, many charity organizations collected money from all over the world to give a hand to the victims there. Some aid organizations went to Sichuan to help them rebuild their houses and other social facilities. I am sure the government also has a special branch that assists people in need.

40. Which groups of people should be given the most help from aid organizations?

I just mentioned the victims of natural disasters. A terrible typhoon devastated (=destroyed) parts of Taiwan last year. Aid organizations should definitely come to the rescue f those people who lost everything. There have been many similar cases all around the world these last few years, with earthquakes in China, Haiti, and Chile, and tsunamis in Indonesia, Thailand and Japan. I also remember that Hurricane Katrina hit the city of New Orleans really badly a few years ago. International help is greatly beneficial and appreciated in these stricken areas of the world. In addition, I think that charity groups should alsc assist people in poor areas of the country.


IELTS Speaking difficult questions and answers
IELTS Speaking ‘Personality’ related vocabulary

41. What are the qualities that a person needs to succeed in life?

Well, I think that being hard-working and creative is essential for someone who wants to be successful. If you want to do well in business, you need to come up with some great innovative ideas. In addition, lazy people cannot achieve anything. On top of this, successful people are always smart and ambitious.They always aim high in order to motivate themselves.Some people might also believe that honesty is a key characteristic to have in order to succeed, but I’m really wondering if honesty pays in today’s world.

42. To what extent do you think successful people are happy people?

Well, it’s certainly easier to be happy when you are successful. People with a good job and a great salary have more chances to enjoy life. They don’t need to worry about money, and that’s a great advantage.On the other hand, being successful comes at a price. I suppose that in order to be successful, these people need to focus on their work and probably spend a lot of time on their job. They might need to work overtime frequently, and they may always be thinking about their achievements. They might become workaholics and forget to spend time with their relatives and friends. As a result, it’s possible that some successful people could be lonely.

43. Do people choose friends and partners with similar personalities to their own?

To some extent, a lot of people become friends because they share the same hobbies and interests. So it’s possible they might have the same personality traits, but not always. Having the same hobby is different from having the same character. In addition, I think that a man and a woman don’t necessarily need to share the same personality for them to fall in love with each other. We usually say that couples actually complete one another:if a man lacks patience, he will be attracted to tolerant ladies; if a woman lacks confidence, she will look for a reliable partner. We also say that opposites attract.

44. What personality traits are considered to be typical of your culture?

I think that Chinese people are famous for being hard-working and patient. It’s due to the education we receive. In addition, I would say that Chinese people, especially the men, find it hard to express their feelings. They can hide their emotions pretty well, and they dislike talking about their problems. I think that many Chinese people are quite conservative, very traditional. Showing your anger or complaining too much is a sign of weakness. And when it comes to women, I believe that many Chinese ladies are shy and obedient. They always listen to their parents or their husband. But there are of course exceptions.

45. Which aspects of modern life have a bad effect on people’s personalities?

Modern life has a negative influence on some aspects of people’s personalities. Because the economy has been developing quite a lot, people seem to have become overambitious. They are not satisfied with what they have, and they always want more. You know, many people become greedy. In addition, some people envy others because of their success.Jealousy is a big problem in today’s world too. Finally, I have met some very arrogant(=too proud) people who forgot about modesty. They want to act confident but overdo it.


46. Do children know the difference between right and wrong ?

Well, it only depends on whether their parents taught them the difference or not. A child who receives no education won’t be able to tell right from wrong, but if a father explains why it is improper to put your feet on the table, or why it is rude to interrupt others while they are talking, then the child will learn. You know, it’s all these little things that must be taught. If the parents are fair to the children, then it’s okay to be strict. Kids are not stupid: they know when they have made a mistake or said something bad. They might pretend to be sad after their father reprimands (=scolds) them, but they do get it.

47. Do you have any regrets about the past?

Yes, definitely. I think everybody does. In high school, I should have studied harder to get better results and get into a better university. I guess I was too childish, and I didn’t care enough. Now I understand the mistakes I have made. My father always says, “Better late than never.” I know I won’t make the same mistake again. I think the future matters more than the past. It’s fundamental to be optimistic, and it’s not so important to think about the past. Being nostalgic (=regretful) is sweet but useless.

48. Do people in your country often complain about things?

Yes, of course. Everyone complains about small things . My parents complain about their schedule and their boss who is too stubborn or too stingy.My classmates and I complain about the amount of homework teachers give us. We also worry about the future, and how difficult it is to get a good job these days. I think that because our life is pretty comfortable we always want more and we are ready to whine (=complain) about small things my grandparents’ generation wouldn’t have complained about.

49. What can be the consequences of having an unhealthy lifestyle?

Well, it depends on what you do that is unhealthy. If you constantly eat junk food, you might become overweight, and you will have more chances to get some cardiovascular diseases. If you don’t sleep enough, you’ll get tired and easily irritated. If you drink too much alcohol, this will cause problems with your liver. People who don’t lead a healthy lifestyle are also more likely to get cancer.

50. What is the attitude of young people in your country towards smoking?

A lot of young people really dislike the smell and the taste of tobacco. We have been taught that smoking is definitely dangerous for our health, and we are not used to the nasty smell. However, some young people take up (=start) smoking because they think it looks cool and mature to hold a cigarette.

IELTS Speaking Part-3 Difficult Questions and Answers (Top 50) PDF

Click on the link to download the PDF copy of top 50 IELTS Speaking Part-3 difficult questions and answers.

These questions are repeatedly asked in the Speaking exam, try to make short notes and answer these questions in your own words.

I hope this post will boost your language proficiency. To know more about the Speaking test, check out our Speaking Section.

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All The Best !

Rajit K.

Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. He is best known for his rich expertise in IELTS & Canadian Immigration. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram & Twitter.

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