Saturday, February 8, 2025
IELTS Speaking

[2022] Band 7+ Tips & Tricks for IELTS Speaking Part-1,2,3

Learn how to apply the following tips and tricks before the exam to score band 7 and above on the test day.

7 Speaking Part-1 Tips

Here are the IELTS Speaking Part-1 beginner tips and tricks:

  1. Understand the format: The most important thing in Part-1 is to understand the introductory questions that are often repeated.
  2. Develop your answers: Don’t just say “yes” or “no”; make sure your answers should be at least two to three sentences. By adding a little extra information, you’ll score higher.
  3. Don’t memorize the answers: The examiners are trained in this aspect. He or she will catch if you give memorized answers. Instead, try to be as natural as humanly possible.
  4. It’s not a test of your knowledge: Always remember that IELTS Speaking Part-1 is only about your personality.
  5. Focus on what is being asked: Instead of procrastinating on what is coming next, concentrate on the question that is being asked.
  6. It’s OK to disagree: Agreeing with everything being asked isn’t mandatory. Try to give honest replies.
  7. Stay relevant: Directly answer the question asked by the examiner and stay on the topic.

8 Speaking Part-2 Tricks

Also, look at the following last-minute do’s and don’ts for IELTS Speaking Part-2:

  1. Brainstorm ideas quickly: Use the 01 minute given before the cue card to quickly generate ideas. Note down whatever is good enough and start speaking.
  2. Arrange ideas logically: Make some bullet points using pen and paper provided by the examiner in a structured manner.
  3. Memorise 1-2 opening lines: In Speaking Part-2, you can memorize an opening phrase such as “Today, I’d like to talk about…” etc. to start the speech.
  4. Rephrase the cue card topic: Don’t use the words from the task card when referring to it. Paraphrase it in your own words instead.
  5. Talk until the examiner stops you: Keep talking unceasingly until the examiner declares an end to the cue card.
  6. Don’t shout or speak really loudly at the examiner: Speak at a normal, natural volume and pace you feel comfortable with.
  7. Don’t ask the examiner to change the topic: You’ve to talk about the topic given on the task card no matter what – those are the rules.
  8. Ask for clarification when needed: If you fail to understand any word written on the cue card, politely ask the examiner to clarify.

9 Speaking Part-3 Strategies

Don’t forget to read IELTS Speaking Part-3 tips and strategies given below:

  1. Listen carefully: Third part of the Speaking test includes long-form questions and answers. So, don’t just guess what the examiner is going to say from the first few words. Make sure you listen attentively so that your answer is relevant.
  2. Include personal stories or anecdotes: In the Follow-up discussion, give your talk a more authentic and vibrant feel using self-examples.
  3. Don’t worry if the examiner stops you in-between and change the question: The examiner has to keep up with strict timeline for each part of the test, so he or she may interrupt you during the conversation.
  4. Don’t give short answers: Provide long and explained answers with at least 3 – 4 sentences. Include some reasons to justify your point of view.
  5. Use connectors: Using words like Also, Moreover, In addition, etc. to extend your answer. Remember, the examiner always look for these words.
  6. Think before answer: Take a second or two to gather your thoughts and deliver a confident speech.
  7. Be mindful of complex pronunciations: Only use vocabulary that you’re sure of. Avoid using unfamiliar fancy words.
  8. Clearly state your opinion: Like we said earlier, it’s okay to disagree with the examiner. Explaining your point is what matters most.
  9. Show a wider grammatical range: It is important that you should use appropriate grammatical structures such as different tenses, conditionals, comparative structures among others to impress the examiner.

IELTS Speaking Miscellaneous Tips

  • Don’t go to the test without being clean and fresh. An examiner can feel very uncomfortable if a student smells unpleasant or has bad breath.
  • It’s a good idea to find a practice partner with whom you can practice speaking. An IELTS tutor can also be a great choice to get tips on how to improve.
  • Another helpful tip is to record your speech on your phone. Then, after that, listen to it. This will immensely help you find and improve speech errors.
  • Watch some band 7+ speaking test videos on Youtube before the exam. Listen carefully to the answers given by high-level candidates.
  • Last but not least, Practice makes a man perfect. The more you practice Speaking, the better you’ll feel on the day of exam.

IELTS Speaking Band 7-9 Tips & Tricks (PDF)

Download the IELTS Speaking Band 7-8-9 tips and tricks in PDF here.

To know more about the Speaking test, check out our Speaking Section.

If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below or join the conversation on our Youtube Channel.

All The Best !

Rajit K.

Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. He is best known for his rich expertise in IELTS & Canadian Immigration. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram & Twitter.

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