Thursday, October 17, 2024
IELTS SpeakingIELTS Speaking Part 3

25 Most Common IELTS Speaking 2022 Follow-up Q & A

In this post, you will find the 25 Most Common IELTS Speaking Part-3 2022 Follow-up Questions and Answers.

Throughout the IELTS Speaking test, which is broken into three portions, the examiner asks questions from a script (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). This is why, no matter where they are held, all Speaking examinations follow a similar structured pattern.

The topics for 25 Most Common IELTS Speaking Part-3 2022 Follow-up Questions and Answers are listed below:

  1. Places
  2. Home
  3. Library
  4. Hometown
  5. Travel


IELTS Speaking 2022 Follow-up Q & A

1. Why do many people want to go abroad for an extended period of time?

Well, people decide to immigrate for different reasons. In my country, many Chinese first decide to study overseas, and if they like it over there, they might try to find a job and settle down. Many Chinese who decide to stay overseas think that China is overpopulated, and that the competition back home is too fierce.They think it is easier to get a job in Australia or Canada, and if they do, they will enjoy a better salary, as well as a peaceful environment compared to that in China. My father also told me that the welfare system in some Western countries was also better for the citizens there. I guess governments can allocate (=give) a better pension since they don’t have a billion people to look after. However, many Chinese only go overseas to study or gain some work experience before coming back here to China. Because China is developing, there are many good opportunities for qualified people.

2. What should these people do before going abroad?

They need to get some information about the country they want to go to, and they need to find out where they can study, where they can stay, and how much it is going to cost them. In addition, they need to learn the language, because it is essential to speak the local language if they really want to get used to their new environment. Once they speak the language, they can fill out all the paperwork there is before getting a visa or a green card. It takes time and lots of effort to immigrate.

3. What would you miss the most if you went abroad for an extended period of time?

I would definitely miss my family and my friends. I think it’s very obvious. You know, the people around me play a fundamental role in my life and it would be hard to say goodbye. In addition, I’d miss the food, all the local specialties and snacks that I would probably not be able to get overseas. I might miss the atmosphere around the festivals too, but I could probably find some Chinese to celebrate with them too. Chinese people can be found all over the world!

4. Which country or part of the world wouldn’t you like to live in?

It’s hard to say because I would give anything to go traveling, and pretty much anywhere. But, I guess I am not so attracted by countries with wars that are going on over there at the moment, I wouldn’t feel safe. There would be some better places to visit.

5. What problems do you think people who move to another country might face?

Well, there must be quite a few difficulties to face when you move to a foreign country. First of all, I guess the language barrier could be the main, challenge. When many foreigners come to China, they struggle with Mandarin, and things become harder for them. In addition, if you don’t know anyone at first, it’s going to take time to meet people, and get a circle of friends. Once you speak the language and have some acquaintances you can rely on, everything should be easier.


speaking follow up questions and answers

6. Do people in your country usually buy their homes or rent them?

Most people buy their own place. I think it is everyone’s dream in China to own a nice house where your family can enjoy a comfortable life. Most people get a loan from a bank in order to pay for it. The problem is that the interest rate is very high.

7. In the future, would you rather live in the city or in the countryside?

I would definitely prefer living in the countryside in the future because urban areas are too busy, too noisy, and traffic is usually impossible. Roads are always congested; buses are packed (= very crowded) every morning and night. I’d rather live in a peaceful place, especially if I had a car to get around. I think my life and my family’s lifestyle would be much more pleasant. The only possible problem could be to find a good school for my children. Right now the education in rural areas is not as good as in the city. However, that might change in the future.

8. What kinds of people prefer living in the countryside?

I think people who were born there or people who enjoy peace and tranquility quietness) never get tired of the countryside. Young people might be attracted to the fast-paced urban lifestyle found in cities, but couples with a child might prefer the quiet environment rural areas can offer.

9. What factors do people need to consider when finding a place to live?

Well, people who are looking for a place to stay need to take many things into consideration. First of all, they should worry about how much the rent is. In addition, they should consider the location: it shouldn’t be too far from their work; it should be located next to a bus stop in order for them to get around the city conveniently. It’s always better if there are some shops and restaurants in the neighborhood. It brings life to an area, and streets look safer when many people live there. On top of all this, the place should be spacious enough, and modern enough, unless you are looking for somewhere really cheap. It’s always better if the apartment is bright and if it offers a nice view. But if it’s located on a top floor of a high-rise, you should make sure there is an elevator, otherwise, it’s going to be a pain (=annoying) to carry the groceries upstairs every day!

10. What kinds of facilities are available near your home?

There are plenty of facilities near my house. First of all, there are many shops and restaurants which make my life more convenient, since I don’t need to go too far to buy groceries. In addition, there is a middle school and a kindergarten too. There is a nice and peaceful park five minutes away. It’s a great place to go for a stroll (=walk) or exercise. Actually, there is also a stadium where people go for a jog or play football. In terms of sports facilities, there is also a large swimming pool which is open all year round. It’s really a nice neighborhood.


11. At what age do children start learning to read in your country?

Nowadays, most children start learning how to read in kindergarten. So kids must be around 4 years old. Sometimes parents teach their children how to recognize letters when they are a little bit younger too.

12. What is the role of public libraries for people of different ages in your country?

First of all, since nowadays everyone has access to the Internet, fewer people go to the library. In the past, students did some research there, and older people would come and read there because it was a quiet place. But these days, I think that only university students go to the school library to do some homework, and enjoy a quiet place to focus on their studies. Older people have comfortable houses and prefer to stay home to read. Primary school students don’t often go to the library either, because their parents can buy the books directly. They don’t need to borrow them anymore.

13. What are the differences between reading books and reading newspapers or magazines?

First of all, it takes more time to read a book than it takes to read the newspaper or a magazine. Books are much thicker. In addition, the contents are usually very different too. Newspapers report on current events, on what is going on around the world. A book could be about everything:it could be a novel, that is to say a story, a tale, or it could be a biography, a history book. In any case, these volumes tell a story. You also have textbooks, and usually textbooks are simply thicker and more precise than magazines. You could read a science magazine, but the textbook on the same subject will be more detailed because it will include more articles or chapters.

14. Compare reading and watching TV in terms of encouraging mental development.

In general, I think that reading will be more beneficial to your mind in terms of mental exercise and development. When you read, you need to focus in order to understand and imagine what you are reading about. But when you watch TV, you have images that make everything simpler, easier to understand, more straightforward. I think that, quite frequently, when I watch TV, I am pretty passive. I don’t need to think so much; everything is obvious.Although there are some interesting shows on TV that can make us think and react, most people will tell you that watching TV is good for lazy people, and that smart people usually prefer reading because it is more rewarding.

15. How might attitudes to reading change in the future ?

It’s hard to say, but I am afraid that people will read less in the future. Nowadays, people have access to audio books, where someone reads the story to you. I think that technology offers a lot of advantages, but it also makes people lazy. People read more on the Internet, especially the news, and few people still go to the library. I think it shows us that reading is becoming less popular. I have heard my grandparents say that they used to get together with their parents and read a story all together. This would never happen anymore.


Speaking part 3 2022 Follow-up Q & A

16. What changes have taken place in cities over the last 20 years in your country?

Well, many changes have occurred (=happened) in Chinese cities over the last 20 years.First of all, high-rises and skyscrapers have replaced old accommodations.Actually, many old neighborhoods have been torn down (=destroyed), and it is a pity because we lost a lot of the traditional architecture, but on the other hand. people were liven a more comfortable home in modern apartment buildings. In addition, since more people can afford to buy a car, the government has had to build larger roads.Nowadays in the city, most avenues count three or four lanes. The aim is to facilitate traffic flow (= make traffic smoother).

17. What are some of the major problems cities have to face nowadays?

The first problems that come to my mind are issues related to traffic and pollution. Nowadays it has become very common for people to own a private vehicle. You know, car prices went down, and people’s salaries have definitely increased. As a result (= so), the number of automobiles on the roads grows day after day, and traffic gets terribly congested (= heavy) at rush hour, both mornings and evenings. In addition, cities have to face problems associated with population growth. More people from the countryside are moving to the cities in order to find a job. Many students from smaller towns decide to study in the larger cities, and later on, they try to find a job there. This creates fierce competition for jobs, and troubles with unemployment. On top of this, these people need to find a place to stay, and apartments have become very expensive to buy and the rent is usually very high. In Fuzhou, if you want to purchase a house in the suburbs, you need to pay at least 7000 yuan a square meter. Not everyone can afford that.

18. Compare job opportunities in cities and in the countryside.

Well, there are definitely more choices for people in the city. It is easier for you to find a job in a city, even if it is a small city, than in rural areas. In the countryside, people live off farming, and in some areas, people can also make money from tourism if they are lucky to live around a place worthy of interest worth visiting) .In the countryside, you could also find a job in a factory, but the salary will most likely be very low. Students who get a university degree usually stay in the city to work, because they are ambitious, and they hope they can quickly get promoted.

19. How could people be encouraged to stay in rural areas?

I guess the government should encourage more companies to set up factories and offices in the countryside by lowering taxes, and granting other financial advantages ($$$).Most young people don’t stay in their rural community because there is no university there, and later on, their chances to gain experience and to improve themselves are very limited. If people were given a good job in the countryside, I believe that people would move back there after university, because they could be with their family and friends. People actually know that rural areas are better places to raise a family. In addition, life there is much cheaper.

20. What are the attitudes of city people towards people from the countryside?

I think that most city residents respect the work of farmers and other hard-working people from the countryside. In China, everyone realizes that we need farmers and factory workers if we want to eat good food and enjoy the advantages of modern life. In addition, at university, many students from the city get to meet students from rural areas. They get to talk with them and realize that, although they come from different backgrounds, they can get along well, and they actually share a lot of similarities. I think that people recognize the fact that people who come from smaller towns are very often friendlier and more generous than many city inhabitants.


21. Do you think the government should encourage people from other countries to travel to China?

Yes, definitely!I think the Chinese government should spend money on advertising on foreign TV channels for example. They could show some video-clips about some pristine sites in order to entice tourists to pick China as their next destination. It’d be great for our economy, and people could find out more about our culture.I think foreigners don’t know much about China. Other than Beijing, Shanghai and the Great Wall, many Westerners have never heard of Hainan and its white sand beaches,or Hunan and its impressive mountains, as well as the lively ethnic minorities.The government should also develop tourist infrastructure, roads and airports to facilitate access to the sites.In 2008,the Beijing Olympics drew a great number of tourists to China. We should organize more international events of this kind, because they’re great for the reputation of our country.

22. Do you prefer traveling by yourself or with others ?

I have never travelled by myself, and I think I would be a little scared to do so. I know my teacher told me that it is actually a great chance to meet people and open up my mind, but I don’t know if it could be enjoyable to go alone. I like the idea of sharing my impressions with my family or my friends. If I see a beautiful landscape, but I have no one to enjoy it with, I don’t see the fun out of it. I think traveling with others is always safer, and much nicer.

23. What is a good travel partner?

A good travel partner must be open-minded, energetic, and adventurous. It’s essential to get along well with your partner, because you will need to agree on many decisions, such as where to eat, where to go, and how long to stay in one place. The person you travel with also has to be considerate and patient. You need to enjoy his or her personality and company; otherwise, your holiday will turn into a disaster.

24. What are the advantages and disadvantages of air travel?

Well, flying is fast and saves time. From Fuzhou, you can fly to Shanghai in an hour, but it will take you at least 6 or 7 by train. In addition, taking a plane is quite comfortable, because the seat is large; you usually have more leg room than on a bus. On top of this, you can enjoy the food on board, and I am not even talking about the breathtaking view you have if you are sitting by a window. On the other hand, a plane ticket is usually expensive, although prices have gone down in the last few years. And it is also troublesome to get to the airport, because they are obviously always far away from the city center.

25. What different kinds of accommodation can people use when they are travelling?

Well, since China opened up to tourism, hotels have mushroomed everywhere. There is a great variety of accommodation choices for all budgets. Four-star hotels can be found in big cities and around famous tourist destinations. However, most travelers choose to stay in smaller hotels that offer more reasonable prices. In addition, there are quite a lot of home-stays. A family welcomes you for the night. You can have dinner with them, and it’s a great chance to learn about the local customs and food. Backpackers with a limited budget can pick a youth hostel, and they can share a dorm with other travelers. I have also heard of couch-surfing, which is a great hospitality exchange network for travelers.

IELTS Speaking Part-3 2022 Follow-up Questions and Answers PDF

Click on the link to download the PDF copy of most common IELTS Speaking Part-3 2022 follow-up questions and answers.

These questions are repeatedly asked in the Speaking exam, try to make short notes and answer these questions in your own words.

I hope this post will boost your language proficiency. To know more about the Speaking test, check out our Speaking Section.

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All The Best !

Rajit K.

Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. He is best known for his rich expertise in IELTS & Canadian Immigration. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram & Twitter.

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