Saturday, February 8, 2025
IELTS Cue-cardIELTS Speaking

Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school IELTS Cue-Card

In Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school IELTS Cue Card (2022), you’ll be asked to speak about a person who impressed you during your early years of education. You should say:

  • Who he/she is?
  • How do you know him/her?
  • Why he/she impressed you the most?
  • How do you feel about him/her?
Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school cue card
Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school Cue Card

Model Answer 1

Introducing a person

Childhood is the best of all seasons of life and especially the early years of education. So today, I would grab this opportunity to talk about a man of wisdom who impressed me the most during my childhood.

Who he/she is?

  • He is none other than Mr Manish Kashyap.
  • Mr Kashyap was a robust man in his thirties, tall and had a tough look.
  • His appearance could be defined as a person wearing simple clothes, but his eyes gleamed with confidence.
  • From his face, one could make out that he had an enormous amount of knowledge within himself.

How do you know him/her?

  • He was my tutor and used to teach History to 500+ students in our school. Everybody seemed to love his way of teaching.
  • History failed to garner my attention till the time Mr Kashyap introduced me to the subject in a completely astonishing way.
  • I started to like the subject thereafter.

Why he/she impressed you the most?

  • I was impressed by his ideology and pedagogical skills.
  • Mr Kashyap used to believe that only knowledge confined by the syllabus was not enough, he used to discuss topics beyond the program and encouraged us to be updated with things happening around us in our daily lives.
  • We never had to face a monotonic history class with Mr Kashyap as he always brought exciting facts and figures to the table.
  • He also used to crack jokes centred around complicated topics to add the fun factor in learning otherwise boring concepts.

How do you feel about him/her?

  • I feel he is the most skilful teacher I had in my life and for that, I consider myself very fortunate.
  • His talks were educative, exciting and were full of literary references.
  • His baritone voice and dramatic way of explaining the lessons helped us to grab the topic very quickly and even helped us to remember it.

Concluding the cue card

In the end, I would say that Mr Kashyap was the kind of man who pulls out individuals from the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge. I will forever remember him as my most impressive teacher for the values he taught me.

Model Answer 2

  • In my youth, I was thought to be a particularly astute child.
  • I was intelligent, but I never learned at home.
  • I would, in fact, spend my entire day playing sports or computer games.
  • As a result, my mother forced me to enroll in after-school sessions with a home guide nearby.
  • Mrs. Julie was her name.
  • She was the person that piqued my interest the most during my teens.
  • To be honest, I accept that it is because of her that I might be able to fulfill my dream of visiting another nation.
  • First and foremost, she aided my investigative advantage.
  • I used to think of investigations as a chore before she came around.
  • Before the tests, I simply pondered. Rather than asking me to remember things, she helped me understand what was driving them.
  • My school’s teachers were also excellent, but they believed it would be impossible to cover everything thoroughly due to the weight of covering such a large prospectus and a lack of time.
  • She completely engulfed everything.
  • Regardless, studies were far from the only explanation for why she left such a deep impression on me.
  • In my adolescence, she provided me with a vast number of life’s significant illustrations.
  • She taught me the value of modesty, promptness, and a can-do attitude.
A day in the life of an impressive primary school teacher by Universityworcester

Follow-up Questions (9 Bands)

  1. Why do people always miss their childhood?
  2. Are kids happier than adults? Why?
  3. Why do people still remember many of their friends from primary school?
  4. What kinds of primary school teachers impress students?

1. Why do people always miss their childhood?

Life is a one-time affair and childhood is undisputedly the best phase of life. So getting nostalgic for simpler days and missing our childhood is too common. As adults, people miss their childhood because they’ve become jaded. Even though there are a lot of things in this world to explore, they often become enslaved to work and social life and lose their sense of wonder and openness. Childhood freedom is replaced by the clocked timeline of adult life. 

2. Are kids happier than adults? Why?

Yes, kids are definitely happier than young adults. This is simply because the lack of responsibilities and freedom to do anything they like makes them as happy as Larry.

3. Why do people still remember many of their friends from primary school?

I think it’s because primary schooling is our first step into the education system and mingling with strange faces.  The elementary school is a much more innocent and less “busy” time in life. You go to school and hang out with the same people before, during, and after school for most days.

4. What kinds of primary school teachers impress students?

I think primary school teachers need to empathise with his students because no two children are similar, and their learning graph will vary. From a personal standpoint, the most impressive teacher is the one who understands his students very well and indulge in one-to-one advise.

Follow-up Questions (7 Bands)

1. Why do people always miss their childhood?I believe this is only the time when we are liberated from stresses, strains, and worries. We realize that our parents would deal with any issue we face. It is additionally because, after child age, we are always unable to invest that much time with our family again.
2. Are kids happier than adults? Why?Indeed, I accept a great many people are more joyful during their adolescence and this is a direct result of a similar explanation, they don’t need to confront the obligations and stress of grown-up life.
3. Why do people still remember many of their friends from primary school?I believe this is a direct result of how much time we enjoyed with them. We never invest as much energy with companions during adulthood due to work and familial obligations. Likewise, in light of the fact that we as a whole prefer to think back with regards to our adolescence, and beloved companions are a major piece of our youth.
4. What kinds of primary school teachers impress students?I think elementary teachers should be patient and comprehensive. All kids are diverse in various ways. For instance, some struggle reading, however, are great at math. Educators should have the option to comprehend these distinctions and have the persistence to have the option to direct understudies at their own speed. This is particularly significant at early ages since youngsters are not developed to the point of disclosing their concerns to educators.
Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school Follow-ups



I hope it gives you some realistic idea on how to carry a conversation around Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school IELTS Cue card topic. However, it is strongly advised not to reproduce the same answer during a speaking examination, as it may be used by many of our readers on the site. You should rather reformulate and personalise your answer.

If you still have any doubts, post them in the comments.


Rajit K.

Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. He is best known for his rich expertise in IELTS & Canadian Immigration. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram & Twitter.

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