Saturday, February 8, 2025
IELTS Cue-cardIELTS Speaking

[7+] Describe a time when you helped a child IELTS Cue-Card

In Describe a time when you helped a child Cue Card, you should say:

  1. When it was?
  2. How you helped him/her?
  3. Why you helped him/her?
  4. How you felt about it?
Describe a time when you helped a child IELTS Cue-Card
Describe a time when you helped a child IELTS Cue-Card
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Here are the band 7+ sample answers to Describe a time when you helped a child IELTS Speaking Cue Card:

Sample Answer

It’s a fantastic thing to assist people. I’ve helped many people both directly and indirectly.

Here, I want to talk about a situation where I helped a kid in my neighbourhood. When I was in the 10th grade, Raman, my neighbour’s child, hurt his ankle playing football at school.

Three weeks of bed rest were ordered for him. Raman only went to my school, and he was in the 5th grade. Raman’s mother was worried that if he didn’t go to the final exams at our school, he may fail this time. The exams were coming up in a few weeks. I then made a decision to help him in any way I could.

I would visit his home every day after school to instruct him in math, science, and English. His mother made me delicious smoothies or something to eat every day because she was so proud of my efforts.

Maybe she did that to say thank you to me. My parents were understanding when I used to be late returning home after giving an explanation. The exams followed, and Raman and I both scored higher than 80%. I came to see that by helping him, I was actually helping myself even more because learning these things from him allowed me to master my foundations and do well on my exams.

After this, Raman and I became close friends. I find that helping people makes me happier than being egotistical and self-centred.


Following are the probable Describe a time when you helped a child follow up questions that may be asked by the examiner in Speaking Part-3 of the test:

1. Do you like helping others?

I do, indeed. I enjoy assisting others. It provides me a lot of mental fulfilment and happiness, I’ve discovered.


I love helping others, especially the elderly because there is a great joy in being a servant for those in need. My company helps the people who need it most, and I would love to be a part of it.

2. Should parents teach helping others to their children?

Of course, yes. Parents are responsible for bringing their children into this world, and it is their responsibility to raise them to be responsible citizens of the future. Parents are not required to do anything unusual to achieve this. They only need to set a good example. Children will naturally emulate their parents. If all citizens are helpful and courteous, the entire planet will become a pleasant place to live.


Yes! Children should definitely be taught to help others at an early age so that later down their developmental line they can have stronger leadership skills or communication abilities. Showing kindness and compassion to others is what makes life meaningful. It also makes the world a better place.

3. Do you think nowadays people do more good work as compared to the past?

No, I don’t believe so. Life used to be simpler and slower. People were quite helpful to one another. Everyone is now caught up in the rat race of money and materialism. Nobody has time to assist others.


Nowadays people are inherently reluctant to do things for other people because they’re always waiting for someone else to do it instead. This is the main reason why people don’t act quickly in train stations when someone jumps onto the tracks with the intention of suicide. There are just so many people there, that they expect someone else to do the good thing. Of course, fear plays a role, but it all boils down to your expectations.

4. Will you help others in the future?

Without a doubt. I believe that we must treat others as we would like to be treated. Only if I help others can I expect people to help me when I need it.


I’ll provide a hand to everyone who needs it since it’s the proper thing to do! Moreover, it is a nice deed. We must also exhibit humanity. And, in my opinion, we will be fortunate if we serve others.

5. How do you encourage children to help others?

Nothing extraordinary is required. Children are keen observers who mimic what their elders do. All you have to do is assist others, and they will naturally follow.


  1. Give Them Responsibilities or Chores: Put your kids take charge of the situation. It can be the case that they are the only ones who do the dishes, put the food on the table, or do the laundry. By assigning children these duties, you may teach them how to help out around the house on their own.
  2. Be a Role Model: Together, volunteer and demonstrate to them by setting an example. Children imitate our actions. They will therefore learn from your example if you demonstrate what it means to be helpful.
  3. Explain to Them What Helpful Behaviours Are: What does it mean to be helpful? What are ways that we can help others? Although showing your children how they can be helpful is a great thing to do, telling them other ways to be beneficial is also great.
  4. Teach Your Kids How to Be Kind: They are showing kindness when they can spot someone in need and assist them. Your children will learn to be more helpful if you teach them what it means to help others and to be nice.

As you can see, you don’t have to force your children to do chores to get them to be helpful! There are so many ways that your children can learn to be helpful and better people for learning this skill.

6. How do world social organizations such as Red Cross collect their funds worldwide?

They accomplish this by publicising their work. They plan activities and involve youth in them. They also rely on the media.


Social organisations are mostly funded by voluntary contributions. NGOs rely on a variety of sources for funding projects, operations, salaries, and other overhead costs. Funding sources include membership dues; the sale of goods and services; private sector, for-profit companies; philanthropic foundations; grants from local, state, and federal agencies, as well as foreign governments; and private donations.

7. Do small non-government organizations always need big organizations’ help or can they collect funds themselves?

No, they do not necessarily require the assistance of large organisations. If their initiatives are minor, they can do them on their own; otherwise, they can enlist the assistance of their larger counterparts.

8. Do you think people in India should help foreigners who are visiting India and who need help? (Why? / Why not?)

Without a doubt, sure. India is well-known for its friendliness and helpfulness. Guests are treated as if they are Gods. Tourists are our visitors. Tourists should be assisted if they require assistance. They will bring back wonderful memories, and more tourists will visit in the future.

9. What is the most important way for a country to help foreigners who are visiting the country?

Foreigners can be aided by educating them on our norms and traditions so that they do not inadvertently hurt anyone’s feelings. They can be aided by providing them with nutritious and sanitary food that appeals to their tastes. They can be assisted by not taking advantage of them when they buy mementos.

10. Many people only look out for themselves and never think about helping others. What do you think of this attitude?

Such folks, in my opinion, are incredibly short-sighted. They do not realise that if they do not help others, they will be left alone when they require assistance. There is no point

11. Do Indian people help others who need help, such as people in extreme poverty? (How?)

Yes, Indians assist those who are impoverished. Some people help directly, while others help through charitable organisations.

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I hope it gives you some realistic idea on how to carry a conversation around Describe a time when you helped a child IELTS Cue card topic. However, it is strongly advised not to reproduce the same answer during the exam, as it may be used by many of our readers on the site. You should rather reformulate and personalize your answer.

If you still have any doubts, post them in the comments.


Rajit K.

Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. He is best known for his rich expertise in IELTS & Canadian Immigration. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram & Twitter.

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